Fort Worden is in Port Townsend. Labeled "a Victorian Seaport" it is a small picturesque (and need we say) funky town at the NE corner of the Olympic Peninsula. It has lots of what Andrea and Walter are fond of : sailboats, beer, fine baked goods and old houses that need work. From Seattle, it is a 30 minute ferry ride, and an hour drive. (*This may be Andrea/Walter speed time measuring since we note the directions below say it takes much longer.)
Directions: http://www.fortworden.org/get-here/
Lodging ideas for Port Townsend can be found here: http://www.ptguide.com/accommodations-and-lodging
Our friend Ginnie just started a glamping rental on her property on airbnb https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/5932286?s=H2uN
There is lodging available in Fort Worden http://fortworden.org/stay-here/#lodging
The weekend is yours to discover, with some random events thrown in (such as - a wedding, a meal or two, music, night exploration). Port Townsend has some great museums (history, planes) art galleries, pubs, and a place to get popcorn. All the impo things in life. http://enjoypt.com/